• What is a Registered Investment Advisor?

    As a Registered Investment Advisor Avant Capital, LLC, acts in a fiduciary capacity when engaged for comprehensive financial planning. Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, any firm that is engaged in the business of providing financial advice for a fee is considered to be an “investment advisor.” These firms are required to be registered with the appropriate federal or state agency. Unlike traditional stockbrokers, this means that we always put the interests of our clients ahead of our own interests.

  • What is your fee structure?

    Avant Capital, LLC, is a fee-based advisory firm. Our asset management compensation is 100% transparent, so you know exactly what we make and the value we provide. We charge a competitive asset under management (AUM) annual fee that is computed on the value of the assets we manage. Insurance products, by their nature, carry commissions.

  • How do I know my money is safe?

    Our firm works directly with an independent third-party custodian, Charles Schwab, and all of our client assets are held in protected Schwab accounts. Your funds will never be comingled with any other investments. Many of our clients have been working with us for more than 20 years. We are rooted in the Lafayette community and we understand the value of a good name. We are happy to provide client referrals—both in the local community and across the country.

  • I consider myself to be financially savvy. Do I need a financial advisor?

    Do you know that even millionaires often hire the assistance of a planner? These highly successful and disciplined people know that accountability is a key to success. However, many people with the knowledge and experience to manage their own assets will procrastinate when it’s time to make a decision. In particular, business owners and self-employed professionals often find that their own financial planning needs take a back seat to their business or family. Our team adds value not only by helping you develop a sound financial plan, but also by implementing and adjusting it when necessary. Our knowledge and accountability as a financial advisor can help you take the necessary actions to meet your goals.

  • Can I use just one of your services?

    We offer solutions using a highly personalized approach, with the goal of helping you find financial balance and security—today and throughout your retirement years. Typically, coordinating every aspect of a client’s financial life is the best path to achieving this goal. While the majority of our clients seek our comprehensive services, when appropriate, we are able to unbundle our services and provide only those services to address your specific needs.